
acCORPUS simulacrum

Akordeonas – tai instrumentas, kurio galimybėms išstudijuoti prireiks dar ne vieno dešimtmečio. Lietuva jau daug metų garsėja kaip gilias grojimo šiuo instrumentu tradicijas turinti šalis, mūsų atlikėjai skina laurus daugelyje...

Interviu su Mirco Patarini 

Paskutinę rugsėjo savaitę Kauno mieste vykstantis 71 – asis pasaulinis akordeonistų konkursas “Pasaulio taurė” (“Coupe Mondiale”) nepaliaujamai stebina savo dalyvių iš 19 pasaulio šalių profesionalumu ir artistiškumu. Į Lietuvą atvykęs...

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=iCqetSqAFi8&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=iCqetSqAFi8&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=NXaHVT2CSWc&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=_EEb589BLx8&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=Mwh96IGOxP4&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=K3DovEiTNyc&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=CfVeA039-Ls&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=a4QAwtGoLiY&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=-OEKEzw2tWc&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=cf1f0gH7YGc&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=jo-gOnuFk90&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=XQruN1CHHBs&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338

Warning: file_get_contents(,snippet&id=5fsV_u5OP4M&key=AIzaSyAb31DhGhkGvzMyfWiV-SpNEZqmTaiifao): Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /home/ueents/domains/ on line 1338